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Dog and Puppy Stain and Odor Remover

Merchant : Pets Avenue
FJ $76.60
Shipping : FJ $15.00
In Stock - 1 available
Urine Off Odour And Stain Remover For Dogs And Puppies Is Perfect For Removing Pet Stains And Odours
  • Specifically formulated for dog and puppy urine
  • Dog urine odour is strong and extremely difficult to permanently remove
  • Dogs use urine and faeces as a method of communication, indicating possessiveness and territoriality
  • Permanently eliminates dog urine, odour and stains from virtually any surface including carpets and rugs
  • Features revolutionary bio-enzymatic technology that eliminates urine odour and stains at the source
  • Uses a combination of naturally occurring micro-organisms and their enzymes to digest the uric acid crystals (which produce urine's pungent aroma) as well as urea (the sticky substance in urine) and proteins (which promote pathogen growth)
  • Eliminates old and new stains
  • Complements toilet training
  • The high-performance formula is recommended by veterinarians
  • The carpet cap applicator is great for carpet, rugs, etc
  • Safe for all pets
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