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Monthly Expense Tracker Template

Merchant : TECHNICA
FJ $9.99
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In Stock - 998 available

From the Blog: Personal Finance, Your Relationship with Money.

The Monthly Expense Tracker is a digital template created by Technica.

The template is a Spreadsheet created in Google Sheets that lets you track your monthly income and expenses to visualize your spending habits.

Includes 1 Tab with Income Tracker, Expense Tracker, and Expense Graph (Auto)

Within 48 Hours of your purchase, a link/URL will be emailed to access this template and create your copy on your Google Drive/Google Sheets account. This purchase can be made from any country and can also be used by anyone with a Google Account.


Start with reviewing the categories applicable to you (Cell: D8). Click the drop-down arrow and click edit to add or remove categories as you please. Ensure to save for all drop-downs. (If you have the Yearly Expense Tracker Template, then do the same with the Master Sheet). Next, delete values as needed in the Expense Tracker and Income Tracker sections and input your values. All other values will automatically populate to visualize your monthly expenses in the chart below. Duplicate the sheet and reuse it for future months as needed.


Email: sidharth@technicafiji.com


For international customers, you may checkout with the address location Suva, Fiji.


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